The company operates in the production of aeolian energy, having filed an application with the Regulatory Authority for Energy and the Greek Ministry of Development for the licensing of production and operation of an aeolian park with power of 42 MW in the positions Lofos, Profitis Elias, Politis, Megalokoryfi of the Municipality of Solygia, in the Region of Corinthos.
The project comprises an independent unit for the production of electricity for exclusive sale to DEI with conduction to the existent network of Middle-Voltage and includes 14 wind power generators of horizontal axis, with three wings, of nominal power 3,000 KW each (total capacity 42 MW) and minimum lifespan of 20 years.
Operation is based on the transformation of mechanical energy to electrical, through a rotating spindle and electric generator, with the result of zero emission of gas, liquid or solid polluters.
The selection of this specific area was made based on the significant and reliable aeolian potential proved after two years measurements with web metrics and on the access to the Transport Network of DEI.

40 Ekklision 41 & Midias, Nea Philadelphia
Tel: +30 210 2523145
Fax: +30 210 2523163