"Our people constitute the principle capital of our company"
The Group is staffed with experienced, specialized and excellently professionally-trained executives, who are distinguished for their commitment, creativity and teamwork spirit, share the vision and mission of the Dionic Group and participate effectively in the fulfillment of its high targets.
Today the Group employs more than 400 employees, who possess specialized knowledge and training, with activities in different industries and sectors, covering in this manner, the diversity of our business activities.
In the following table, human resources development is presented, for the past last years:
In terms of educational level, the company has staff with post-graduate and/or PhD titles at a percentage of 9%, with university degrees at a percentage of 22%, with technical school degrees at a percentage of 36% and with high school diplomas at a percentage of 33%.

Employment Experience of Personnel at Dionic
The average of personnel employment experience is at around 4.5 years.
Men & Women Proportion at Dionic
The proportion between men and women employees is approximately 65% over 35% respectively. This proportion differs per department and work objective.
Average Employee Age
The average employee’ age is around 34 years of age. This indicates the relative young and dynamic character of the Group, but also the actual trust of the company in young people.