At Dionic Group, we consider our people to be the most significant factor for our development, the driving force for our activities and the defining factor of our success.
Dionic Group’s success is based on the contribution and harmonic collaboration of all. The creation of a nurturing working environment and culture, which promote mutual trust, collaboration and recognition for the attraction of adequate candidates, as well as the creation of motives for the maintenance of subordinate personnel, constitute the basic principles of our Group.
With this philosophy, the company applies policies, programmes and activities, intending to cultivate a climate of constant rewarding of the employees’ efforts and the formation of a single working culture throughout the entire spectrum of the Group.
We offer to each executive the opportunity to develop his/her skills and to evolve within the company
We ensure the systematic upgrading of the personnel’s knowledge, applying targeted educational programs (e.g. foreign languages, informatics, management skills, etc.)
We encourage open communication, teamwork and good collaboration
We support initiatives and enhance creativity and innovation
We aim for a quality environment, which respects, values and supports the employee, contributing to the balance of professional and personal life
All those who work on our premises enjoy the right to enjoy safe and healthy work conditions, but also the duty to contribute to those conditions with responsible behavior.
Remunerations and Benefits Policy
The wages policy of the Group assures satisfactory remunerations to the personnel, in the context of competition, and at the same time with the systematic training to the benefit as much of the employees themselves, as of the company, rewarding performance, skills development and total corporate success.
Additionally, the Dionic Company provides to all the employees a Group Program of Health Care with the possibility to include members of their families.
All employees have the possibility to purchase company products at preferential prices.