C.S.R. plays a major role in the long-term
policy and ethics of Dionic Group.
Because we all seek a better future...

DIONIC Group, in parallel with the dynamic development it has demonstrated in recent years, operates actively and with consistency in the context of the Corporate Social Responsibility principles, developing innovative actions and presenting significant social work, as much for the employees as for the Greek society.
With main fields of CRS Programs applications:
the society
the environment
the working environment
the Group aims for active intervention, open dialogue with social bodies and local communities, contributing in this way to the society’s welfare and to the efforts of all for a better society and a cleaner natural environment.
The Group’s Philosophy about CRS issues, constitutes the combination of business activity with the maintenance of a total responsible position, regarding the people – employees and the people – citizens, but also the protection of the environment.
More specifically, the Group contributes to society:
With the creation of a “Blood Bank”, implementing volunteer blood donation of the employees, twice a year. The initiative is organized in collaboration with the Central Blood Donation Unit of the Ministry of Health, while the program has a significant support by the totality of the Group’s employees.
By supporting as much financially, as materially, the project of the children’s’ charity Non-governmental Organization “Xamogelo tou Paidiou”.
By enhancing, with the subsidiary company Skroutz S.A., the initiative of the Homeless Reception Center of the Municipality of Athens, which recently organized the “Auction of Love”, creating a special space in the auction section of its website.
By supporting the work of the environmental organisation "Arcturos" for the protection of wildlife and the natural environment, by adopting "Irene", a brown bear. The custody covers part of the expenses for the diet, care and the accommodation of the bear for a year, as well as for the maintenance of the hospitality place, the Brown Bear Sanctuary, near Nimfeo.
Operating with the protection of the environment as its guiding principle, the Group realizes a series of actions aiming to sensitize and inform the personnel through the Intranet, publishing articles concerning the environment.
Additionally, specific practices are promoted regarding:
The use of recyclable paper, installing special bins for the collection and dispatching for recycling of materials like paper, consumables etc.
Reducing printings to the minimum possible level
For its employees, DIONIC:
Offers additional benefits, like group health insurance
Has created and maintains a safe working place, confirmed by the presence of occupational physician and safety technician on the company’s premises, aiming to enhance health care, but also to prevent and eradicate health issues
Enhances the continuous training and development of their skills
By believing that high performance is combined with a balanced personal life, encourages the participation of its people to athletic events, like the “Round of Athens 2007 & 2008” and the “Classic Marathon of Athens 2007 & 2008”, where the employees lived a remarkable experience.
Gives its employees the opportunity to take part in cultural & artistic events, by offering tickets for concerts, such as Eleni Karaindrou's concert in the Rock Theatre and the concert "Together...we sing for the green..." in Kallimarmaro along with 15 top greek artists.
Embraces the artistic temperament of its employees and supported with great joy the effort of two colleagues to stage the theatrical play of D. Kehaidi "To tavli". With Dionic' s exclusive sponsorship the play was staged twice in "Argo" theatre for all the employees of Dionic Group, friends, relatives and business associates.